Don’t stifle great work
“Habitus Collective are actually affordable, but more importantly, I know we are receiving high quality support aligned to leading international standards, from an organisation
who have lived experience at their core”
- Louise Christie, Director. Scottish Recovery Network
Developing processes and measures that create know-how and inspire
Scottish Recovery Network is a growing team of communicators and network specialists, working with the NHS, voluntary sector organisations, and community groups to advance mental health recovery in all its forms and stages.
Their ability to tell stories that others relate to, mean they have national and international recognition in their ability to translate complex health and recovery concepts into useable stories and materials. Simply put, they bring people, services, and organisations from across sectors together to plan and create new mental health systems powered by lived experience.
With three new staff members and a plan to hire a manager within six months, Scottish Recovery Network required support putting into place team and work processes for new and existing staff that:
encouraged collaboration and new activities of work;
respected the unique skills of the team; and,
didn’t stifle what they did well already.
They wanted tools, materials, coaching and workshops to be interactive and deeply embedded into the team approach, so that everything created during our work with them could continue to be used.
How we made a difference
Habitus provided the space to learn and explore the ‘why’ and the ‘so what’ behind the everyday activities of the team.
We began first by getting to know the whole team, in person when possible, through group meetings and one-to-ones. We identified the current working rhythms of the team and how each member of the team collaborated both internally and externally.
It was important to deeply understand each staff member’s needs and own understanding of the vision. We researched past processes, plans and staff experiences. We asked each team member what they wanted, needed and understood in order to create impact and advance the recovery approach in Scotland.
Using an iteration method, we trialled various models of impact tracking with the director and then the team. With each version we improved and took the team on a learning journey with us.
We introduced very small and simple team activities to regular meetings, which soon became popular and highly usable. With this discovered trust, we then began to deliver more complex impact tracking work, alongside a refreshed theory of change.
Through this process of discovery, new working rhythms for the team were established. Team members aligned their own activities in relation to the intend impact.
Scottish Recovery Network has culture of good decision making and now has a tool to support the process. They know what sits in and outside their goals to drive change. They have an impact monitoring framework that is simple to understand and used by all team members, with clear roles for delivering impact.
This has resulted in:
More confident and skilled staff who have working rhythms that include personal responsibilities/accountabilities, clear reflections on past work, and a decision-making process for new and emerging work.
A simplified impact measuring system that every staff member can use to assess the alignment or unalignment to their current work efforts.
A short- and medium-term programme of work, which clearly assigns responsibilities and deliverables that align with team member ability and skill.
As a result of our partnership, Scottish Recovery Network can feel confident they remain true to their values, while having processes in place that encourage accountability.
They now have a framework to understand how their work contributes to the wider vision and mission of the Scottish Recovery Network, and its intended impact on the mental health sector in Scotland.
Habitus has a track record of supporting non-profits, charities and social enterprises to build measures and approaches that can evidence impact in highly complex systems.
For more information on how Habitus can help your organisation increase your impact and ability to achieve your mission, click on the button below.