— Michael Turner, Habitus

Michael Turner (he/him)

I am a Disabled person and have spent most of my career working the Disability field with a particular focus on co-production and user involvement.

My background…

I helped set up the Shaping Our Lives national network of service users and disabled people and worked as a freelance consultant for 14 years before going on to spend eight years working on co-production at the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). I played a lead in producing SCIE’s co-production guide and establishing its successful Co-production Weeks and Co-production Festivals.

I have experience working with a wide range of organisations in central and local government, as well as with a range of voluntary sector organisations and universities.

I currently combine freelance work with organisations including Habitus, Oxfordshire County Council, and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists with a regular judicial role with HM Courts and Tribunal Service on panels for Disability benefits appeals.

How I can help…

I have a broad skillset around co-production including research and development, report writing and editing, producing easy read documents, and events planning and management with a particular expertise around accessible events. I ensure that all projects are informed and led with a Disabled lens.


Michael’s key areas of expertise include:

  • Qualitative research

  • Disability led research

  • Co-production, co-development and co-design

  • Policy development

  • Community engagement

  • Developing easy-read documents and reports