— Lucy Fyles, Habitus
Lucy Fyles (she/her)
As a blogger and vlogger on mental health, I have a huge passion for the subject and enjoy making a real difference.
My background…
For the past 2½ years, I have been a lived experience consultant for Samaritans. Some of my most recent projects have been to sit on the Research Ethics Board reviewing research ethics applications, suggesting amendments and providing feedback, and being part of many Lived Experience Advisory groups. The latter of which involved consulting and advising on projects ranging from fundraising ideas, awareness days, advert scripts, helpline waiting time experiences, proposed research and brand messaging.
Previously, I have been a support worker and phoneline volunteer. This has given me plenty of direct experience of assisting people using various services, which has informed my thinking on better service provision..
I have experience of ethical risks/considerations, participant perspectives, and research techniques, as well as supporting and advocating for co-production and co-design in research and evaluation projects.
How I can help…
Drawing on experiences of participating in psychological research studies and my own lived experience, I help ensure that research projects provide a safe, trauma informed and engaging experience for participants, and champion robust debrief procedures for the benefit of both researchers and participants. I ensure that initial findings are validated and can be made sense by people with lived experience, drawing out the nuances and eliminating researcher assumptions before conclusions and recommendations are made. In particular I bring my lived experience of being neurodivergent to help create methods, tools and ways of engaging that meet the needs of other neurodivergent people.
BSc Psychology
Lucy’s key areas of expertise include:
Mental health
Co-development and co-design of research
Trauma informed practice
Mental health
Adults with complex/long-term health conditions and/or disabilities